Through the pandemic we have become more familiar with wellness and self-care. You may have even heard the term Ayurveda once and again. But what is Ayurveda? Where did it come from and what does it mean?
As a young girl I was taught that our bodies are so magical, that it can heal itself. We just need to ensure that our energies are well balanced. Through maintenance of stressors, eating well, herbal remedies, and meditation, our bodies are prepared to ward us. I was blessed to have the knowledge of herbal and Ayurvedic medicines at an early age. As an adult, I continued to further my studies of holistic practice to enlighten and share with others. Let's dig in....
Ayurveda is a Sanskrit word meaning "The knowledge (or science) of life." One of the oldest healing systems, rooted in India and practiced worldwide.
Ayurveda is a lifestyle. The practice of prevention and maintenance of health. With the idea that health and wellness depend on a delicate balance between mind, body, and spirit.
Ayurvedic philosophy proclaims that people are born with a specific constitution called prakruti. The prakruti, established at conception, is viewed as a unique combination of physical and psychological characteristics that affect the way each person functions.
Ayurveda teaches the five elements of nature (space, air, fire, water and earth) combined in the body as three basic types of energies called doshas, which form important characteristics of the prakruti. These doshas are known as vata, pitta, and kapha and they all have a specific impact on bodily functions. A balance of doshas is thought to be required for optimal health.
Vata is the subtle energy associates with movement. The main seat is in the colon. It is believed to promote a healthy balance between thought and emotion. Composed of space and air.
Pitta rules digestive, chemical and metabolic function. Its main seat is in the small intestine. Made up of fire and water.
Kapha is the energy that forms the body's structure. Its main seat resides in the stomach. Kapha rules the physical structure of the body and the immune system. Represented by earth and water.
The cause of disease in Ayurveda is viewed as a lack of proper cellular function due to an excess or deficiency of vata, pitta, and/or kapha.
Ayurvedic medicines are prescribed based on the person's dosha type. Each person is influenced by certain elements more than others because of their natural constitution (prakruti). An imbalance in any of these doshas can cause illness.
This is why we have been screaming SELF-CARE in your ear, shoving self-care down your throat, and slipping a self-care love note in your back pocket lol. Because through lifestyle practices such as massage, meditation, yoga, dietary changes, social behavior, positive relationships and the use of herbal remedies, the mind and body are able to flush toxins from deep within the tissues and return the doshas to their proper seats in the body. When the body is balanced, the body's natural defense systems will be strong enough to defend itself against diseases.
Love & Light